
We are committed to making this website accessible and easy to use for everyone, at all levels of ability.

This website allows people using text-only browsers or other assistive technology to read the content on the page.

On screen-readers:

Windows Narrator

Windows Narrator is a basic screen-reading program. The program gives speech feedback for menus and dialogue boxes. It does not speak the entire web page. The following steps will enable you to turn on that feature:

Macintosh VoiceOver Utility

VoiceOver Utility is a screen-reading program built into the latest versions (OS 10.4 and 10.5) of Apple Macintosh Operating Systems. It provides speech feedback for menus and dialogue boxes and can speak out whole web pages once configured.

Visit the VoiceOver website for more information about VoiceOver Utility.

Visit the VoiceOver download section for an accessible PDF manual or audio recordings of the Getting Started manual for VoiceOver Utility.